Now showing items 1081-1089 of 1089
A construção do cuidado em um programa de atendimento domiciliar ao acamado do município de Porto Alegre, RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2007)
In Brazil it is necessary to include elderly-patients care in the Basic Health Unit programs and to insert home care in the list of health care modalities. This article identifies features from a Home-care Program for ...
Prevalência de anemia em mulheres adultas em São Leopoldo, RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2005)
Ecologia bacteriana em áreas inundadas de arrozais do Rio Grande do Sul
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2007-05-23)
This study, within the Research Line Preservation and Management of Ecosystems and Wildlife, aims at the assessment of the quality of the irrigation water, and the bacilli diversity in various flooded areas in rice growing ...
Nas tramas da pesquisa-formação: uma abordagem experiencial de autoria feminina no processo de formação docente
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009)
The theme of this thesis is located at the borders between education, feminism and literature. The goal of this research consists in analyzing the experience of feminine authorship in the process of teacher’s formation, ...
Papel de aves e morcegos na germinação das sementes e remoção dos frutos de solanum granulosoleprosum (solanaceae)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-05-28)
Fifty to 90% of the trees and shrubs depend on vertebrates to disperse their seeds in tropical regions, where zoochory is important for the regeneration of disturbed forested areas. In these areas, birds and bats are ...
Arquitetura Estratigráfica de Corpos Arenosos Gerados Por Ondas e Marés no Bloco Central da Mina do Iruí (Formação Rio Bonito, eopermiano da Bacia do Paraná, RS)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2008)
The stratigraphic framework of Early Permian sedimentation was constructed from the analyses of drillholes with drillcore recovery and geophysical profile. Five stratigraphic sections were developed in order to reach the ...
Influência da segregação no desempenho de cinzas de casca de arroz como pozolanas e material adsorvente
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009)
The main objective for the industry is to reduce the generation of wastes, or to find better uses to them, such as in the own productive process or as raw material in the elaboration of other materials. Also, a great amount ...
Patrimônio cultural e nova história indígena nas terras baixas da América do Sul: os Guarani MBYA entre Clio, Cronos e Mnemosine
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-06-05)
This study is inscribed in the confluence of the research fields of cultural heritage and a “new” Indian History, focusing on the coming up and the interest of the Guarani Mbya about the heritage and cultural heritage of ...
A relação entre a imagem da marca e a lealdade dos torcedores de clubes de futebol
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-11-27)
Loyalty has been a topic widely studied marketing, and is considered to vital to an organization, as loyal customers can contribute to an increase revenue. Thus, many managers seek to adopt strategies and actions of ...