This paper describes an experimental comparative study of the mismatching between the Diamond (hexagonal gate geometry) and Conventional (rectangular gate shape) n-chan-nel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transis-tors (MOSFETs), which were manufactured in an 130 nm Sili-con-Germanium Bulk Complementary MOS (CMOS) technol-ogy and exposed to different X-rays Total Ionizing Doses (TIDs). The results indicate that the Diamond layout style with an alpha () angle equal to 90 ̊ for MOSFETs is capable of re-ducing the device mismatching by at least 17% regarding the electrical parameters studied as compared to the Conventional MOSFET (CnM) counterparts. Therefore, the Diamond layout style can be considered an alternative hardness-by-design (HBD) layout strategy to boost the electrical performance and TID tolerance of MOSFETs.