Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco - UNICAP: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 1784
A arte do teatro do mamulengo na era digital.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-10-13)The mamulengos theater is a traditional cultural, in the citys Glória do Goitá, Carpina, Lagoa de Itaenga, Vicência, Ferreiros, Nazaré da Mata, Tracunhaém, Itaquitinga, manifestation from the backlands of Pernambuco. Used ... -
Aquisição da linguagem oral em crianças com a Síndrome congênita do Zika vírus.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-09-13)This dissertation is a contemporary study, with few publications, regarding the process of oral language acquisition in children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (SCZV). A major epidemic of this virus occurred in ... -
Falando e ouvindo com as mãos: a atenção à comunidade surda no Recife.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-28)Nuestra investigación investigó el siguiente tema: la evolución de la educación para las personas sordas en Recife. Se estableció el siguiente objetivo general: comprender la evolución del proceso educativo de las personas ... -
Resistência e cotidiano: o escravizado Leandro, seu crime e apelação no Tribunal da Relação no Recife (1851-1867).
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-21)This research deals with the historical daily life of the enslaved Leandro, by portraying some of his conquests and frustrations in Recife, the crime for which he was denounced in Magdalena's tavern and appealed to the ... -
“Tão rico de talento, como seus pais pobres de fortuna” Antônio Vicente do Nascimento Feitosa: um bacharel nos jornais oitocentista do Recife.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-28)The purpose of this report is to give visibility to Antônio Vicente do Nascimento Feitosa, since his name appears discreetly in historiography. A person who, despite being poor, brown or mulatto, according to some ... -
Publicar, curtir, comentar: uma compreensão fenomenológica hermenêutica da experiência dos usuários do Instagram no Brasil.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-03)The boiling technological transformations outline the scenario in which we are witnessing the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTICs) entering more intensely into contemporary ointing to the concept of ... -
Quatro décadas da Festa da Vitória Régia: uma homenagem a sua história através do processo de mineração de dados, memórias afetivas e escrita coletiva.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-20)This research offers a digital book proposal with narratives that contains experiences lived in the forty editions of a benefit of Pernambuco culture, from the process of data mining and contributions to a collective and ... -
A teologia trinitária de Karl Rahner e algumas implicações para o fazer teológico.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-08-27)This work contributes to a reflection on Karl's Rahner's Trinitarian theology and its fundamental implications for theological practice. We will punctuate three significant consequences that are correlated with your system ... -
MADE AZUSA: uma abordagem histórica e multiculturalista da construção da identidade das Assembleias de Deus no Brasil de 1911 a 1932.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-10-25)The present study investigates the formation of the identity of the Assemblies of God Pentecostal Churches, in Brazil, in the period between 1911 and 1932, founded by two Swedish missionaries from the American Pentecostal ... -
O ensino religioso na cidade de Apodi-RN: história, formação e perfil docente na rede municipal de ensino.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-11-01)This dissertation, which is related to the line of research Brazilian Religious Field, aims to analyze the formation and the profile of Religious Education (RE) teacher in the city of Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte, in its ... -
Repercussões na família de baixa renda diante do diagnóstico de Alzheimer na perspectiva do (a) cuidador (a) informal.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-06-30)This research aimed to understand the repercussions on low-income families in face of an older adult family member with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), from the perspective of the caregiver. Specifically, it aimed to: (a) ... -
A trajetória política de Cristina Tavares: a redemocratização e os direitos das mulheres na Constituição Cidadã (1978 – 1988).
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-28)This study aims to understand the political role of Congresswoman Cristina Tavares, the first woman elected by Pernambuco to the Chamber of Deputies, in the process of redemocratization in Brazil and in the struggle for ... -
Suicídio e psicoterapia: uma compreensão fenomenológica hermenêutica da experiência de pacientes que buscam pôr fim à vida.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-28)Suicide is a phenomenon that recently has attracted attention by the breadth of case numbers in the world, approximately 800,000 deaths per year, raising the creation of strategies and services that can help in prevention. ... -
Direitos Humanos na transição paradigmática: a construção de um pluriversalismo decolonial.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-10-05)This dissertation work aims to analyze the epistemological fragility proposed by the universalist characteristic of human rights proposed since the creation of the united nations (un). Throughout this research, such fragility ... -
Juizado do forró de Caruaru: instrumento de garantia do acesso à justiça apoiado nas inovações tecnológicas.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-09-30)Access to justice, as a fundamental citizen's right, must be strengthened by the use of new technologies and by providing assistance to citizens during artistic and cultural events. The Forró Court proposes a model of ... -
Reação álcali-agregado: proposta para método de inspeção em edifícios prontos e diagnóstico rápido em elementos de fundação.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-12-18)The pathological manifestations occur due to a set of factors. Among them, we can mention the environment to which the structure is exposed, the materials used to make the concrete, poorly designed projects, as well as the ... -
As questões de múltipla escolha e a noção de compreensão no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-08-31)The main goal of this thesis is to study the procedures used in ENEM (Brazilian high school evaluation) to assess reading comprehension through multiple-choice questions. This research focuses, first, on the reader’s ... -
O começo do fim?: a resolução extrajudicial de conflitos trabalhistas e seu impacto na justiça do trabalho.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2020-03-04)The research was based on the following dilemma: was there an impact on the demand of the Labor Court after the implementation of Law 13,467 of 2017? The survey also noted that if labor conflicts that were resolved by other ... -
A Mistagogia de Cirilo de Jerusalém como referencial no processo de iniciação a vida cristã pós Vaticano II.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-08-27)This study takes part of the research that discusses the initiation bibliographic to the Christian life, including the 3rd and 4th centuries, a period in which it was institutionalized by the Holy Fathers and the decades ... -
Práticas de letramento no ensino médio: uma análise sociorretórica do resumo de iniciação científica
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-10-29)This study is based on the socio-rhetorical theory of genres to define and introduce its research object, the abstract of scientific initiation in school. The abstract accompanies a broader genre, the research report, and ...