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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay: Recent submissions
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Las inversiones en capital humano
Rama, German W.
Las cosas por su nombre: Calidad de la formación universitaria
César, Aguiar
Universidad y desarrollo en América Latina: Entrevista con Enrique V. Iglesias
Iglesias, Enrique V.
Carta del Rector
Mendizábal S.J., José Luis
Climate emergency and human rights
Aguilar Cavallo, Gonzalo
Impact and importance, for Brazil, of eight thematic reports of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture
Alves, Henrique Napoleão
Review: Vivienda inteligente: domótica, inteligencia artificial y regulación legal (2022) by Francisca Ramón Fernández
López Jiménez, David
Compliance with the Gelman vs. Uruguay judgement of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Special reference to resolution number 11 and to the Judicial Power
Risso Ferrand, Martín; Martínez Carlis, Eloísa; Brun Pereira, Martina; Charamelo Ignielzi, Blanca; Furtado Álvarez, Belén; Mendina Martínez, Camila; Rodríguez Fernández, Ayelén; Tucuna Boada, Florencia
The National Council of Science and Technology and the scientific research in criminology in Mexico
Hikal Carreón, Wael Sarwat; Rodríguez Estrada, Lilia Elena
The preventive embargo with respect to de facto administrators in the Bankruptcy Process Law
García Scavino, Joaquín
The challenge of conflict management today, the need for a comprehensive approach
Briz, María José
Legal Security as a Purpose of Law
Vargas Morales, Ricardo Alberto
Review: En busca del paraíso perdido: los paraísos fiscales hoy (2021) by Julio César Muñiz Pérez
Cordeiro Candido, Joelma
Duality and gender parity in a plurinational Ecuador
Aguirre Burneo, Alfonsina Lucía; Bejarano Ortega, María Antonia; del Cisne Cuenca Becerra , Angie; Eras Zapata, Tatiana Verónica
Review: La autorregulación publicitaria (2020) by Anxo Tato Plaza
Vargas Portillo, Patricia
The protection of animals by Law: Do animals have rights?
Maruri Armand-Ugon, Sofia; Montero Susalla, Adriana
The principle of equal treatment in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of Uruguay. Research results
Risso Ferrand, Martín; Garat, María Paula; Asencio De León, Dafna; Brun Pereira, Martina; Carrique Fernández, Agustina; Furtado Duarte, Brahian; Hernández Rimoldi, Belén; Martínez Carlis, Eloísa; Menéndez Domínguez, Santiago; Moglia Mariñas, Bruno; Painceira Cambón, Sofía; Pereyra Burghi, Federico
Shape and values
Rodríguez Arana, Jaime
Commentary on Judgments No. 38/2021 of the Family Law Court of the 9th Round and No. 9/2021 of the Family Court of Appeals of the 2nd Round: Right to Housing, Duty of the State
Rodríguez Almada, Pablo
Tracking stocks and the preliminary draft reform of Section 307 of the Commercial Companies Law: a win-win text
Arias, Sebastián; Hirschlaff, Alan
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