A criação de valor em situações não familiares na ótica da teoria dos stakeholders
According to the Stakeholder Theory (TS) view, relationships with Stakeholders are directed towards the creation and distribution of value involving multiple Stakeholders, with a view to achieving a purpose linked to the company's reason for existing. A gap was identified in the TS regarding the creation of value in organizational contexts marked by unfamiliar situations. In view of this gap, the main objective of this study was to analyze how an organization creates value in unfamiliar situations. The Covid19 pandemic provided the context for carrying out this study, characterized as unfamiliar. To carry out the research, the case study strategy was adopted in a company recognized for its trajectory in the management of multiple Stakeholders. Primary and secondary data were used. It was found that in the researched context, the definition and management strategy of Stakeholders were affected, prevailing short-term actions and with attention to Stakeholders with survival vulnerability. Thus, the study contributes to studies on defining the relevance of Stakeholders, revealing that unfamiliar situations affect management strategies with Stakeholders. The research also contributes to its managerial implications, pointing to the necessary attention of managers to the composition of the portfolio of Stakeholders and their vulnerabilities.Nenhuma