O impacto da MPV nº 950/2020 no consumo de energia elétrica
This work analyzes the expansion of the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE) discount granted by Provisional Measure No. 950/2020. From the database made available by the Companhia Estadual de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica (CEEE-D), a electricity distribution company, the Twoway Fixed Effects method was used to investigate the impact on electricity consumption on the occasion of public policy. We estimate an average positive causal impact of 3.05%, which represents an increase of 1,266 MWh in electricity consumption in the CEEE-D concession area, or R$ 1,003,307.00. Provisional Measure No. 950 benefited 94,508 consumer units (CU) in that same region, with an average monthly cost of R$68.73 per CU - which represents 10.16% of the amount transferred monthly to the Auxílio Emergencial beneficiaries, a emergency aid policy. Based on data from the Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF), a household budget survey, we retrieved the amounts spent on electricity consumption for the first four income brackets and performed a well-being analysis. We argue that the increase in the discount on electricity consumption, when reverted in monetary terms, was used for the consumption of other goods - however, we concluded that 55.04% of beneficiaries would be better served by a uniform income transfer policy in the amount of R$ 68.73, equal to the average cost of the program. We point out, therefore, that public policy is unequal, favoring consumer units with higher average consumption of electricity and, therefore, higher income.Nenhuma