Ensino de língua portuguesa em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19: representações de professoras sobre o seu trabalho e a sua formação
The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting social distance directly impacted the teacher's work. Teachers from all over the world saw the need to reinvent their teaching practices considering the context of remote classes, without the physical presence of the student and teacher at school. In this sense, the present study seeks to analyze the representations of Portuguese language teachers regarding the development of proposals involving the language practices provided for by the BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), especially writing, in the context of emergency remote teaching caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical support used in this research is found, mostly, in studies developed within the methodological theoretical framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (ISD) proposed by Bronckart (1999, 2006a, 2008) and collaborators. This choice allowed the identification and analysis of teaching actions based on texts, since it is in and through texts that knowledge about the teacher's work is built. In addition, this study is also supported by recent studies regarding the teaching of Portuguese language in times of pandemic (CARVALHO; RIBEIRO, 2020; JUNQUEIRA, 2020), in studies on the teaching of writing (DOLZ; GAGNON; DEC NDIO, 2010) and in the development of Genre Didactic Projects - PDG - (GUIMARÃES; KERSCH, 2012) as a didactic device relevant to both mother tongue teaching and teacher training. Methodologically, this is a qualitative-interpretative research, centered on the analysis of texts-discourses produced in a situation of continuing education of Portuguese language teachers. In the analysis developed, we make use of verbalizations produced by two teachers participating in a process of continuing education in professional development communities (GUIMARÃES; CARNIN, 2020), seeking to identify linguistic-discursive clues regarding the teaching of Portuguese language during the pandemic of Covid-19. The analysis undertaken is centrally developed from the model of textual architecture (BRONCKART, 2008) and seeks to explain, in addition to the context of production, types of discourse and mechanisms of enunciative accountability employed by teachers when they discursively represent the work they have developed during the year of 2020, during the emergency remote teaching period. The results suggest that teaching work in times of a pandemic has become even more challenging, that the physical distance imposed by social distancing makes it difficult for teachers to act and monitor the development of student activities. Regarding the teaching of writing,it was observed the presence of several gaps in the construction of teaching proposals that are in line with recent studies in the area, with official documents and with the rights of student learning. These results point to the need to continue investing in the continuing education of teachers in order to assist them in the reconstruction of post-pandemic learning.Bolsa Unisinos de Apoio à Pesquisa Covid-19