Estudio que trata sobre la evolución jurídico histórica del proceso de integración de Centroamérica, instrumentos internacionales que han servido de fuentes creadoras del derecho comunitario, mediante la aplicación del método del derecho comunitario comparado; a fin de demostrar la hipótesis de la necesidad de la concreción de un nuevo tratado centroamericano (tratado-marco) que amplíe las facultades normativas y atribuciones de decisión del Parlamento Centroamericano con ello erradicar las limitaciones que el Protocolo de Tegucigalpa dejó y que en la actualidad se presentan como frenos del avance hacia la verdadera integración regional.--
This article is based on an investigation related to the historical legal evolution of the Central America's process of integration the international instruments that have been served as creating sources of community law (Primary Law), application of community lay method compared, with the objective to demonstrate the hypothesis of the need of the concretion of a new Central American treaty which enlarges the regulatory faculties and attributions of the Central American parliament and with that the limitations left by the Tegucigalpa’s Protocol and the restrains that it constitutes facing the region’s current situation towards the international market challenges, natural disasters menace, the emerging concurrent felonies such as organized crime, international drug trafficking, the illegal of people and weapons, in this line a new treaty has to be achieved which allows to fulfill and respect the principles that inspired the signature of the Tegucigalpa’s protocol and have boost up the dreams of unity in the isthmus.