Analiza las conductas típicas del tipo de tráfico de estupefacientes, sicotrópicos y sustancias controladas, para descifrar su naturaleza jurídica, es decir, desde el bien jurídico precisar si es un tipo de peligro abstracto, un tipo de peligro concreto, o es un tipo de lesión; también analiza críticamente la jurisprudencia penal de la Sala de lo Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia nicaragüense del 2003 a Junio 2012 relevante al presente tema.--
Abstract: The scientific and technological progress of recent decades has led to risk society in which we live today. There are risks allowed and disallowed risks, the latter is that criminal law seeks to protect important legal rights against the most significant and severe attacks. The current legislature through criminal law frequently uses the legislative technique of risk types, and especially creating abstract danger offenses within this category, doctrine and jurisprudence to locate related types narcotic drugs, psychotropic and controlled substances. The type of traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and controlled substances is
therefore considered as a kind of abstract danger, so it is necessary to know if that is their true legal nature, and what are the practical consequences that entails determining whether a type of injury, type of concrete danger, or is a type of abstract danger