Recessão democrática e anti-institucionalidade: como o populismo no Brasil tem fragilizado o Supremo Tribunal Federal?
The present dissertation proposes to investigate how populism in Brazil, as of 2019, has weakened the Federal Supreme Court. For the analysis, it will be considered as a set of basic principles by governments that have anti-institutional and anti-pluralism characteristics. While a-institutionality establishes itself as a movement of defenders as democratic institutions, anti-pluralism seeks to prevent democratic pluralism, in addition to attacking diversity. In order to answer the candidate's research problem in Brazil, it is necessary to investigate the candidate phenomenon in Brazil, as well as to investigate the relationship between the crisis of democracies and the rise of populism, seeking to seek the countermajoritarian role of the Federal Court in containing the advance of populist wave in Brazil and, finally, to identify which populist attitudes President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro have weakened the Federal Supreme Court since 2019 and how the Court has reacted to these attacks. The results found were that populism in Brazil has been driven by the President of the Republic; The rise of populism has weakened, as democracy around the world has heated, and authoritarian pronouncements by the President of the Republic have weakened the Supreme Court, but the Court shows its supporting role in containing populism in Brazil, as decisions and decisions and placements serve to keep the institution running. The empirical qualitative research methodology used was the most important research proposed, based on an adequate bibliographic survey through democratic democracy, independence and importance in democracies, deepening the hypotheses through the democracy of the hypothetical-deductive method.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap