Reação álcali-agregado: proposta para método de inspeção em edifícios prontos e diagnóstico rápido em elementos de fundação.
Maranhão, Amanda Gabriela Dias
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The pathological manifestations occur due to a set of factors. Among them, we can mention the environment to which the structure is exposed, the materials used to make the concrete, poorly designed projects, as well as the poor execution of the structure and lack of periodic maintenance. Among the deleterious manifestations known in concrete structures, the alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) stands out, which occurs due to the occurrence of chemical interactions between the mineralogical compounds of the reactive aggregate with alkali hydroxides of cement and the suitable medium for the reaction to occur. That is, mainly in building foundations. It is known that the pathological condition is irreversible, resulting in expansive products, which generate cracks, movements and can compromise concrete structures. Although studied in Brazil since 1960, in Pernambuco, with the collapse of the Areia Branca Building (2004), it moved the studies in building works in the metropolitan regions of Olinda, Recife and in other regions of the country. Still, there is no single method of inspection in finished buildings and quick diagnosis for foundation elements. To reduce costs and time in the identification and monitoring of this pathology, current research proposes a protocol for the rapid identification of AAR in foundation elements of multi-storey buildings.Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap