Consumer protection through state rules is salutary, as states can regulate important aspects
from regional point of view that are neglected by federal legislation, such as consumer
protection code. However, the possibility for member states to protect consumer rights
through local constitutions has consequences on a federal level. This states regulations, has
been quite limited by the jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Therefore, it is
essential to examine the limitations imposed by the Supreme Court, in order to define
normative criteria that fits to constitutional restrictions, therefore, must be observed by the
state legislatures. In this sense, the dissertation investigates the theme of state consumer
protection, unfolding it in the mentioned double aspect. First, it is proposed to discuss the
possibility of defining a normative criterion to choose the set of regulatory possibilities at the
state level, considering the jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court. Second, the
discussion regarding concrete state rules - such as Law No. 16,559 of January 15, 2019
(Pernambuco State Consumer Protection Code) - is made possible, making it possible to
verify compliance with the established regulatory criteria.