The master thesis intends to identify influence factors others than the tax legislation in the
decisions rendered in internal tax review procedure in the State of Pernambuco. The research
question is: which factors, besides the law, are capable of influencing the decisions? It’s an
empirical quantitative exploratory-descriptive research conducted to answer its questions by
using the method of logistic regression analysis. To reach the objective of recognizing
situations capable of influencing decisions, the collection, summary and analysis of data
concerning decisions rendered by the State’s administrative tax tribunal between 2015 and
2019 are part of the research. The variables’ coding process is preceded by a theoretical and
dogmatic review of aspects regarding the legal discipline of the administrative tax review
procedure in Pernambuco. The results of the research are that the tax amount in dispute and
the length of the procedure are not associated to the chances of disputes being settled in favor
or against the tax office, but an attorney representation (although optional) increases the odds
of taxpayers’ success. The research concludes that the disputes are settled in a technical
manner, confirmed by the relevance of the attorney services for its outcomes.