A hermenêutica sobre Jesus nas primeiras comunidades cristãs: um estudo a partir de Rm 1,3b-4a.
MORAIS, Augusto Lívio Nogueira de
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The fragment of Rom 1,3b-4a is a text of pre-Pauline origin which brings, crystalized in its written form, a comprehension about the person of Jesus. The aim of this research is to analyze the hermeneutic process present in the construction process of this fragment. The bibliographical research is the main instrument of work and the deductive method was adopted as a mean to perform the research analyses. The development of the work begins with the exegetical analysis of the text through which it is possible to discover, by what the fragment itself offers, the ways to comprehend its hermeneutic process. Thereafter, the study of the Sitz im Leben in which the text was generated allows the access to the environment where it was developed the hermeneutic process of Rom 1,3b-4a. Lastly, the research enters the problematic of the communication problem, of the discussion about the elements involved in the hermeneutic issue of the first Christian communities and of how this dynamics has configured the way of how the text stands in Rom 1,3b-4a. As a result, it is possible to realize that the hermeneutic process present in the formation of this fragment is related to the social, religious, political and economic contexts of Jewish community that lived in Palestine in the first century A.D., not being possible, thus, to understand the way of how protochristianism has interpreted the person of Jesus through this text not considering the relation existing between the experience of faith of the Christian community and the historical time and place in which it is found.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap