This paper begins a theoretical presentation on cooperative fiscal federalism.
Afterwards, he presents the Municipalities in the Constitution of the Federative
Republic of Brazil of 1988, without neglecting to discuss the complexities of the
process of formation and extinction of municipal entities. The overwhelming
emancipation of new municipalities, without criteria based on a study of financial
viability, makes evident the fragility of the federative system. In contextualizing the
importance of the municipal entities in the effectiveness of the Social State, it
evaluates the system of revenue distribution for the Municipalities, presenting
positive and negative aspects. A survey was carried out on the Municipality of São
José da Laje, located in the State of Alagoas, relating the revenues of own taxes
and those received from the Federal Government and the State of Alagoas, in
financial years from 2012 to 2016, to determine the share of these revenues
Intergovernmental Organizations in their Net Current Revenues. In the end, it
presents the centralizing power of decisions and tax revenues on the part of the
Union, reason for which it suffers the municipal autonomy. The conclusion, when
discussing the entire structural division of labor, shows weaknesses in the
federative fiscal cooperative system, which demand paradigm changes in the way
the municipalities are treated.