The work of initiation to research contributes to the acquisition of oral text genre, and
to the improvement of written language, including the construction of support for
these presentations, the preparation of reports and scientific articles. The general
objective is to investigate the effects of semiotic modes of writing on PowerPoint
slides, which influence the presentation of the research by undergraduate students
in the process of appropriation of scientific language. The specific objectives are: i)
to analyze the multimodal aspects of writing in the technological and language tool
in the presentations of a student of scientific initiation; (ii) identify and describe the
prosodic markings of the speech and the gestures during the presentations of the
research of scientific initiation; iii) to compare the multimodal aspects of the student's
language in the presentation of scientific research in the presence and in the
absence of semiotic modes in writing present in technological tools. The study is
supported by the multimodal perspective of language according to Kendon (1980,
1982, 2004, 2009, 2017); McNeill (1992, 2006, 2016); Goldin-Meadow (2007, 2013);
Cavalcante (2018), Fonte (2011), Fonte et al (2014); among others. The research is
qualitative-quantitative, longitudinal and of the case study type, in which a high
school student from the scientific initiation of a college in Caruaru-PE participated.
The data collection procedure adopted was filming of the research presentations
during the process of appropriating the scientific language. Data transcription was
performed with ELAN software, which makes it possible to transcribe vocal
productions, prosodic markings and gestures at the exact time of their occurrence.
The data also revealed that, in the presence of semiotic modes in writing, in some
moments, influences occurred, reflecting, in turn, in the student's language. On the
other hand, in several moments of the presentation, the student had his body facing
the audience and the gestures followed the speech, thus confirming the gesturevocal inseparability, because throughout the process of appropriating the scientific
language and knowing the multimodal aspects of oral and written language, we
found a significant increase in the use of multimodal marks on slides. In the
educational field, there were benefits with regard to oral and written languages,
developing the multimodality that increased school performance, in the social it is
related to the exchange of knowledge with other researchers and the academic
relevance with the publications and presentation of the research developed in the
scientific initiation. We emphasize that oral multimodality is above the multimodal
marks of writing. The student appropriates a genre that is new and therefore used
only five resources in the first PowerPoint presentation, in the second moment there
were the use of twenty-three, and, with the course of classes, there is an incidence
of seventy-four semiotic marks of the writing presented in the final slides. It is
common to use speech/gesture, confirming that it is intrinsic to thought.