This thesis aimed to understand the underlying meanings in the adoption of demands
made by women infertile and childless, in the Court of the Infancy and Youth Recife
and how they are presented through the recommendations of adoptions emitted
by the interprofessional team and was motivated by the experience and study in issue of
adoption. The adoption of children and adolescents is a protective measure in
accordance with brazilian legislation seeks to comply with the right to family and
community life and the people who express interest in adoption, they must qualify and
for that, the law requires to be Submitted to the psychological, social and cool
preparation. Have Been Analyzed 77 psychological studies Issued in the years 2011 to
2014.The demands are presented by women that over years, tried unsuccessfully to get
pregnant. Attempts to pregnancy with the help of reproductive medicine are not
always successful, they expose and reveal experiences of suffering of women who are
faced with the impossibility of motherhood by the biological pathway. Despite the
experiences of have been deprived of a pregnancy, the imperative of motherhood
appears in the field of adoption. Our hypothesis considered that the adoption of demand
presents itself as a path to motherhood that was not the biological pathway. We
considered also that the demands of adoption would be present a order of a child as a
way for suturing an incompleteness condition and on the other, demands that would on
the contrary that an adoption demand, indicate the search for a child and not necessarily
a so We use the Freudian and Lacanian theoretical studies about the female and female
sexuality to understand the place of membership in the trajectory of a woman. . We use
content analysis to answer the question what does a woman want when demand an
adoption? The answer to this question that we find is that adoptive motherhood like
overcoming to the impossibility of biological children The results show that on the
imperative for a mother and the impossibility of pregnancy, adoption is presented as the
last alternative. A son will come to complete the empty or suturing the incompleteness
of experience as establish the relationship between being a woman and being a mother.
There is an equivalence between the adopted child and the biological child, albeit with
ambivalence or enhancement of adoptive filiation, narcissistically invested Marked on
the body,in the impossibility of pregnancy, pregnancy is often described as secondary to
the desire to be mothers. Family participation is an element for the authorization of an
adoption order, the expectation of a child brings the idea to complete the family and the
transmission of a legacy, of a name. The care and love are elements that permeate the
demands. Being a mother and being a woman present in the adoption demands, reveals
a condition of a female in the field of missing that always makes the impossible to be
represented Our theoretical framework also contributed to think that there is not a single
demand and that it is shared, just as there is no a set of women in demand for adoption.
Each in its path of becoming a woman, will find in the singular, a way of driving the
desire in the imaginary attempt to completeness. Thus, listening to a woman requires
hear it in his private ,not what is added in its entirety to the phallic. Our results also
showed that the judiciary, through the psychological listening and its peculiarities in the
legal system implies a look that aim to find elements in the demands that will bringmore suffering to the child. In this sense, they are identified in the technical
recommendatios for adoption aspects related to overcoming mourning for a biological
child closely linked to respect for the child's history and the risks of denial of maternity
and adoptive sonship.The technical recommendations for adoption also revealed the
identification of skills or flexibility to deal with differences, are guiding the
psychological listening that far from illusory claim to uncover the truth, comes across
small gaps of desire that is announced between demands clouds. We believe that our
thesis may contribute to the expansion of psychology participation in the law field and
not least, as an important element for the effectuation of Child and Adolescent Estatute, without failing to understand that it can not respond to all