The primary concern of this research is to examine ecopropaganda discourse in fanpage posts of the social network Facebook, whose responsible companies have a sustainable history, and verify the elements that characterize that type of propagandistic discourse. Our presupposition is that in the ecopropaganda there is a commercial contract camouflaged of social benefit that simulates general interest, relying on a position of legitimacy of the enunciator. Ecopropaganda, then, is a combination of advertising and promotional discourse (behavior promotion), in which there is an intention to obtain the collective benefit (the general interest of promotional discourse) to serve the specific interests of those who promote it (advertising discourse ) for commercial purposes. To support our approach, we use the semiolinguistic theory of Patrick Charaudeau (2008), in which he conceives the act of language as a staging, and his studies about propagandistic discourse (2010), defined as a discourse of incitement to do, variable according to the use that the production instance makes of the conditions of production, which is concretized by different genres (advertising, promotional, political, propaganda) according to the type of legitimacy that the speaker has, the nature of the speech object that constitutes the "make believe" and the "must believe," and the place that is attributed to the influenced subject. In order to understand what ecopropaganda means, we support our studies in Giacomini Filho (2004), which defines it as any form of manifestation related to environmental sustainability and disseminating an ecological culture. Our corpus analysis included eight companies with a history of eco-sustainable actions that have fanpages on the social network Facebook. Thus, we analyzed a total of twelve posts, using a framework of categories which determine specific characteristics of the ecopropaganda discourse: 1. Objective; 2.Concurrents; 3. Target audience; 4. Production Instance; 5. Content. This analysis allowed us to confirm our presupposition about the fusion of propagandistic genres that occurs in the discourse of ecopropaganda.