A “Revolução Copernicana” na Lumen Gentium: reviravolta eclesiológica do Vaticano II.
In the ecclesial context, the Twentieth Century is marked by a profound ecclesiological renovation. The high point of this renovation is celebrated at the Vatican Ecumenical Council II. The Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium on the Church, elaborated by the Vatican II, carries the intuitions of the ecclesiological turning of the Twentieth Century. What elements and / or intuitions present in the constitution on the Church mark the renovation of ecclesiology and characterize it in terms of the "Copernican revolution"? The goal of the research is to identify the conciliar inspirations present in the Lumen Gentium that implied the rediscovery of the Church as People of God and to point out the challenges and perspectives that the Church-People of God has as an ecclesiological image for an ecumenical catholicity and not less that holistic. The hypothesis sums up in the intuition that the rediscovery of the concept of the People of God present in the Lumen Gentium retakes the self-understanding of the Church from the group of baptized believers, independent of the state of life, service or ministry that exercises for the edification and mission of the Church. This is a bibliographical research whose material object is the Lumen Gentium, magnum letter of the Twentieth Century ecclesiological turning. Regarding the composition of the formal object or theoretical-methodological reference, the main sources are: "The Church: a Catholic ecclesiology" by Medard Kehl and "The Catholic Church: essence, reality, mission" by Walter Kasper. The development of research shows that, in fact, the rediscovery of the biblical historicalsalvific concept of People of God to tell the nature of the Church, both by its place in the document and by its intuition, breaks with secular schemes, inaugurates a new ecclesial paradigm and characterizes as "Copernican" ecclesiological renovation of Lumen Gentium.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap