This resarch aims to reflect the representative interface about the connections
between sexual and religion, as weel as to investigate the social
representations of Recife Municipal Education Network – RMER – teachers,
with religious identities, around the Recife. We chose the Theory of Social
Representations of Moscovici (2003) to understand the meanings shared by
teachers about Sexual Diversity form the implementation of the Education
Policy of Recife. We use Content Analysis, by Bardin (2011), to analyze and
interpret the data in the apprenhension of responses that present possible
directions for harmonizing the recurring conflicts between religion and the
affirmative education of plural identities, differences and LGBT rights. The
analysis of the data revealed that RS harbor contradictions and inconsistencies,
in the face of sexual diversity and education policy, depending on religious
beliefs. Another notable result is the high percentage of teachers who do not
know the theoretical basis of Sexuality Education present in Recife's Education
Policy. The results that point out some ways to solve the conflicts point out that
answers from the perspective of social, human and plural need to come as
much through the educational, academic and social, as through the religious