A subject has another name besides those who were given by their parents or by the lineage to which it belongs. He is also bearer of an unknown name that is more own and unique for him, which marks himself on the real of the body and talks about how he enjoys the brands of debris seen and heard, recorded in his unconscious. Using the brand of the case as a methodology, we conducted a clinical reading from the psychoanalysis assumptions, of the testimonials of a subject that has the peculiarity of anchoring his self on his body modifications, in order to show that they are his attempted response for the traumatic excess that was for him the meeting with a joy without phallic ordering. Recognize the name that responds joy, to know what do with him, is essential to the reordering of joy economy, mostly mortifying, as in the case object of this study. The result points to unexpected issues with which contemporary clinic has encountered, especially the psychoses ones, in the sense
of unique inventions that subjects seek to stabilize or build a mode of social bond. It advances the debate about the clinic of the joy, at stake in the construction of each particular subject.