The overall objective of this research is to analyze Instagram user - Instagramer -multimodal speech from verb-visual interface of posts and, specifically: to identify who is the digital subject Instagramer; to relate lnstagramer s presence traces with meaning construction strategies through verbal-visual interface of multimodal speech; and verify how this speech contributes to a new social vision of digital subject who creates network communicative and interactive relationships.For this, we rely on theoretical assumptions based on image semiotics (SANTAELLA, 2012, 2011, 2008) and visual studies (DOMÈNECH, 2011); on social network concept (RECUERO, 2014) theory of subject speech dialogical analysis (BAKHTIN, 2010, 2009) and Habitus definition of (BOURDIEU, 2004).We focused on Instagram social network, because we believe we are almost in a metabolic process of technological immersion, since technological artifacts have become, practically, extensions of human central nervous system. In few years, digital communication development has become the basis of relations in everyday communication, as McLuhan predicted in the 1960s. Reality has become something "catchable" by clic in the hands of any amateur who processes a smartphone and, within seconds, make its image a fact or event to be enjoyed, commented or shared. It is the digital Era when language and technology are combined to build senses and social, historical, cultural and discursive meanings. Time when verbal-visual interface serve as a link in a participatory, collaborative and supportive process of constitution of meaning that make use of multimodal elements as basis for information spread. Immersed in this digital interaction environment, social networks like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, have become virtual spaces for ideas, interests and values communion. We choose to research photos and videos sharing Instagram app, via IOS system, because, due to their popularity in 2012, it became one of most used social networks for those who "likes" the multimodal relationship between word and image. As a study preliminary proposal, and in order to achieve research objectives, we conducted a pilot survey, in digital questionnaire, released via email and Facebook, from 23th to 31th May 2014, in which we evaluated Instagramers profile. Then were collected posts referring to 2014 Brazil Cup (June 12th to July 13th), an event selected to compose research corpus because of its social networks media spreading. With questionnaire and collected posts results in hands, we conducted the data analysis through rereading of categories described by Santaella (2012) and concluded that Instagramer verb-visual speech is the result of an aesthetic-discursive creative process that uses semiotic elements as basis for communicative and dialogic interaction, making the image autonomous fundamental element in digital subjects actions making in that network interface that acts as a way for information production.