Amongst the science advances are those that aim at improving people s lives in social, economic or physical ways. In this framework, we can highlight the aphasia, a clinical framework that can generate a simple imperceptible disorder or even the impossibility of a normal conversation. In this way, it can affect the aphasics interactions and consequently their social and financial lives. This language disorder has been traditionally investigated concerning its physiologic origin (cerebrovascular accidents or traumatic brain injury, the two most common causes) and medical interventions that can avoid or soften its symptoms, since Aphasia happens due to neurologic causes. There are many studies about this relationship between cause and symptoms of Aphasia. However this study, in an innovative way, aims at inserting this topic in the linguistic-discursive framework through the theory and procedures of the French Discursive Analysis (DA), as an instrument to improve the interpersonal interactions of aphasics, providing them a better and faster social adaptation. Considering this context, this paper aims at analyzing the discourse of aphasics from their own conditions as speakers in the group interaction; more specifically it attempts to identify the discursive materiality, the productions conditions, the imaginary formations, the power relations, the discursive formations, the silencing and the productions conditions that help or jeopardize the language of aphasics. The data collection took place in 2014 during the weekly meetings of the Group of Aphasics of the Catholic University of Pernambuco when the participants had their speeches recorded for a later transcription and analysis based on the theoretical and methodological basis of the DA. The participants of the research presented disorders in one of the language aspects: selection and combination and, in some cases, in both. Their discourses were frequently guided by imaginary formations and consequently power relations, since the subjects constitute aphasics by the image they have about themselves and the image they judge the receivers have about them, interacting hierarchically in the group according to their perceptions, history of life and production conditions. The identification of these linguistic articulations produced by the aphasics permits us to highlight some parameters that the researchers, language and health professionals and relatives can use to contribute positively (transmiting confidence, stimulating and respecting the aphasics pace to construct ideas) or, negatively (expressing of lack of sympathy, attempting to accelerate the aphasics to express themselves) so that the aphasics can interact through oral language. Therefore this study provides contributions for the theoretical and methodological strategies concerning linguistic-discursive aspects of the aphasics discourse.