The education to the deaf, throughout history, has received influences of different educational philosophies, among which stand out the oralism, Total Communication and bilingualism. Law 10,436 / 02 - regulated by Decree 5626/05 - LIBRAS recognizes as the natural language of Brazilian deaf and ensures these teaching LIBRAS as L1 and L2 writing Portuguese. This Decree establishes that teacher
training should occur in LIBRAS courses Letters / LIBRAS. Meeting these requirements UFPB, in partnership with the Open University of Brazil (UAB), proposes the Degree in Letters / LIBRAS in Distance Education mode, beyond the EAD in the year 2010. The pioneer class, closed at 2013.2, received deaf students and listeners. By this way, the course offered by UFPB, being in DL mode, and requires at the same time, offers your students practice multiple literacies. However,
on the basis of such practices is the use and knowledge of L1. In this sense, we ask: how is the linguistic knowledge of the LIBRAS to deaf to hold the University ingression? How the deaf are dealing with the new practices of multiliteracies required by new information technologies? Faced with this reality, this research had as main objective to investigate the LIBRAS linguistic contributions, acquired during the course of Letters / LIBRAS - UAB / UFPB - which favored the numerous possibilities of practical multiliteracies of their deaf students. The reports of the deafwere collected in interviews conducted during the period from May 28 to June 5, 2014, with four deaf citizens of the City of Campina Grande - PB, who joined the
pioneer class of the aforementioned course. Our theoretical framework was based on studies of enunciative Bakhtin, in sociocultural studies of literacy Rojo, Street, Lemke, in addition to research on the late acquisition of LIBRAS as L1 for the deaf and Bilingual education for these developed by Souza and Quadros. Based upon the above theoretical and the data collected identified that investigated subjects: a) They had delayed acquisition of their L1, the LIBRAS; b) entered the University with deficits in basic linguistic knowledge of their L1, LIBRAS; c) They had, for the first time, the opportunity to study linguistic aspects of LIBRAS in the Course of Arts / LIBRA Sand d) by appropriating the language skills of LIBRAS, offered in the
aforementioned course, have their practices of multiliteracies enlarged. In this perspective, this study not only identifies the relationship of language knowledge of LIBRAS with different literacies practices but provides an overview of how basic education was the subject investigated.