Although many educational projects, so many skills, training of teachers and a range of multidisciplinary teams, there are a lot of to do in favor of the teachers/students relationship. The relevance of this study came through because of observation of existence and necessity of researches around the use of instruments which promote students silent. Why does it exist, they are really necessary, search the effects of sense about authoritarian speech, hit with a rule over the table, a lock hit on the teachers table, or even the use of the whistle to provoke the students silence. All these questions are observed in this paper which intend to describe and analyze how work discursively these instruments. The general aim of this research is analyze the teacher s discourse related to strategies, instruments which promote silence in the classroom. The specific aims are identify and analyze the imaginary, discursive and ideological formations which exist in the pedagogical with these instruments: load voice, hit with the rule over the table, lock and even whistle utilized by the teacher in order to provoke the silent effect in the students. The choice of the discursive corpus was done through interviews with eight teachers of the public schools of Recife-PE. We analyzed the discursive and ideological formations remarked in the utilization of these instruments. We observe the professional discourse of educational systems by the theoretical and analytical dispositive of the Discourse Analyses of French line, founded by Pêcheux, in France, and improved by Orlandi and her fellows, in Brazil. Finally, we aimed realize the interference and the effects of sense of these kind of procedure, in order to understand which subject is this, and what he want to say, and do not, what can say and it s not said. Through this approach, we realized that there is no discourse without ideology, and there is no subject apart of ideology (it s is in the subject), it means, the subject is every time under ideology, and it s through this ideology that language makes sense. The corpus was worked with discursive sequences, and analyzed through the analytical procedures of Discourse Analyzes of French line. In the position of researcher/analyst, we intended to keep the place of listening in order to, through evidences, later, realized the process of the constitution of the interviewed subjects happens through ideology and unconsciousness, considering mainly the opacity of language. In this research we can identify the pedagogical discourse institutionalized and legitimized even by the school. We concluded this paper, considering that something always miss, because this is what makes us, researcher-subjects, anxious which make us always move forward always looking for constitution of ourselves.