Some estimatory instruments, applied to Brasilian basic teaching (BS) students, have shown up displayed that they present a weak performance in mathematics situations
problems solution. According to indicators, the students have concluded their BS fourth series, with serious deficiencies regarding to mathematics specifical contents. As we search justifications for these existing gaps in these contents apprehension, understanding, there is a propensity to ascribe most of these failures to methodologies based on traditional know-hows techiniques and methods. Aiming at changing this frame situation, some school curricula reformulations improvements point out to an
approaching founded, based on the student exposure to situations-problems, stimulating, encouraging the student, the learning people proposing solutions based on existing
rapports between mathematical knowledge, the currently presented content and day by day concrete situations. However, his/her performance evaluations results on
Mathematics have revealed displayed that the student con show out manifest some difficulties to understand the situations-problems presented to him/her, which denotes
that his/her difficulties can go beyond the mathematical knowledge absence dack. This work aimed at researching whether the students reading skill competency interferes in
the mathematics problems enuntiates comprehension. For this research performance, we have used employed beyond the situations-problems solution methodological principles,
theoretical considerations regarding to reading, enlarged added- by the textual linguistics contributions. In order to achieve attain this work aims, we have fulfilled an
investigation in a BS fourth Series shift, belonging to Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE `S teaching municipal network. Regarding to the methodology, we have accomplished two
activities in order to evaluate the students reading comprehension and another one in order to verify these difficulties as for the mathematical problems solution. We have also employed Cloze´s Test of which result was used in order to put together the students of the groups were then characterized as for the reading comprehension and
mathematical problems solution. From each group habilities, skills analysis, we were able observing that the low performance, presented in the problems solution is
connected only with straightly mathematical nature limitations, but there is a strict relation with low skill, competency in observed reading