The aphasias are among the most frequent disturbance of language, which can lead to a difficulty in producing a speech within the standards of the language, in the current culture. Once the language of the aphasic can present lack of translated fluency by many hesitations and pauses, as well as lack of grammar, abnormity, etc This changing situation in the language can produce a condition of social exclusion, becoming harder to keep the social links and even to make up some new links. This research has a theory basis in the Linguistic structured formed with the psychoanalysis and the Speech Analysis of the French School opened by Michel Pêcheux. The study investigates indications of the subjectivity (re) constructed post-aphasia, prioritizing the enunciation, in what concerns to the position of the speaker and interacting during the relationship. Specifically the analysis proposes the listening of a heterogeneous speech, which interrupts in its product process, and offers a possibility of perceiving some subjective incidences. In this way, it will be necessary the theoretical knowledge about the subject and the unconscious structured as language, beginning by Freud and widely reviewed by Lacan. The methodology of this work uses the qualitative line of research, consisting a study of the case, starting by the listening and concomitant recording of the speech of an aphasic young lady, with the help of formal interviews and non structured, made during the sessions of occupational therapy treatment, lately transcripts to the computer and analysed. In this way, the work of analysis is dedicated to the listening of the speech that shows the structure of its movements, where the subject loses control, resulting of the gesture of description, and the interpretation made. There is also the interest in investigating in the client s speech the effects felt and occurred by the aphasia: watching over possible alterations that may cause changes in the affective field, as well as in her work, and the self-image of the subject and its repercussions in his/her personal and professional life. Such analysis, has permitted identify traces, marks subjectivies, resultants in the aphasia, as for example the changes that happened in relation to the affective strains and socio professional