This dissertation had as main objective to analyze the Brazilian academic productions, through its post-graduation, on the subject aphasia. Based on Foucault`s thought a classification of the statements in four discursive formations was accomplished: the organicistic-biomedical, the neurolinguistic, the discursive-enunciative linguistic, and the humanistic. In the organicistic-biomedical formation there is a vision focused on the
localization principle, revealing an interest in studying the brain-language relation as regarding the cortical substratum of this. The discursive neurolinguistic formation arises as a criticism to the supposed reductionism of the organicistic-biomedical formation, through a holistic conception, claiming that the complex mental phenomena are resultant of the whole brain activity. On the other hand, in the enunciative-discursive linguistic formation there is a lesser concern with the language structure, the syntax, the morphology and the phonetics, than with the sociolinguistic context and the subjects involved. Finally, in the humanistic formation the subject of the language is valued in their respective singularity and in their sociocultural and familiar environment. In the methodological aspect, a documentary study of the abstracts of fifty Master`s degree dissertations and nine doctorate thesis, produced in the years of 1987 to 2003, among several universities from Brazil. The Coordination for Superior Level Personnel Perfecting (Capes) online theses database was used. In regard to the knowledge areas, it there was a larger numerical prominence in the areas of Linguistics, Letters and Arts, followed by Health Science and Human Science. The prominent subjects were the Linguistics, the Phoniatrics and the Applied Linguistics, emphasizing, respectively, the enunciative linguistic, the neurolinguistic and the humanist discursive formations.
Moreover, these productions were more prevalent in universities located in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. This work might bring a multidisciplinar contribution, for it interests the phoniatricians, doctors, linguists, psychologists, pedagogues, social scientists, as much in
regarding an archaeology of knowledge and making science, as for the contents on aphasia, to slide among several areas of knowledge