The use of mathematical and computational tools have been found within studies of the dynamics of predator-prey due to the complexities of the population evolution that suffer
external influences of their interaction with the environment. Within this context, this work aims at investigating the Lotka-Volterra model and apply them to capture and describe the dynamics of the interaction between the Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (predator) and its
prey, the cochineal-carmine (Dactylopius opuntiae) in order to identify scenarios that aim at reducing the amount of ladybug. This a pest that has infested a large area in the semiarid region of the Northeast Brazil where the cactus pear has been used as a base of supply for ruminants. As a result, environmental damages as well as social and economic losses have occurred. This pest infestation has caused farmers migration to other areas. Given the above, there is a need to provide support for a sustainable cultivation of cactus pear. For the purpose of pest control, agencies such as Embrapa and IPA have recommended biological
control of ladybug by introducing natural enemies such as C. montrouzieri that has been effective at reducing the pest. In that sense, within this work simulations of population
evolution for D. opuntiae and C. montrouzieri have been made by using the Lotka-Volterra equations as well as its variants. Results of this research has made possible to suggest the amount of predators that might be inserted into the natural environment aiming at reducing and control pest infestation in a case study of the semiarid region of the Northeast Brazil. The use of the model not only allows suggesting the population of predators for species within a trophic interaction, but also allows the monitoring of compliance of the evolution of the species under study