The path this work had as its starting point the exposure of theoretical frameworks of classical liberalism and positivist criminology, responsible for building the legal and criminal speech that legitimizes the power to punish the state and ideology of social defense, which, in short, contends that the criminal law a reaction to the behavior of a deviant minority and protecting the interests of the majority; ie the crime as an evil and off in response, remedy, that the state is legitimized the minister is paid back either as counter-stimulus for restoring order. Immediately thereafter, exposed as research conducted from the theoretical contributions of social reaction and especially of critical criminology, were responsible for the delegitimization of that discourse and ideology, revealing the true and hidden function of the penal system, its inverted effectiveness: the legitimation and reproduction social asymmetries through social control of the most vulnerable strata. The size of this dysfunction can be measured when known that about 40% (forty percent), Brazil, and 60% (sixty percent), Alagoas, of all the prisoners, experience probation, a number that draws attention criminologists, but also of researchers from several other areas as well as a portion of the civil society, the choice made by the criminal justice system of deprivation of liberty prior to sentencing and often the processing itself. And this, despite the declared speech or the curriculum of the Brazilian procedural law erect the presumption of innocence the fundamental principle with seat in the Federal Constitution and therefore, as a rule that prevents the treatment of guilty to those who have not been convicted of commission of a crime. From this problem, then realized the collection of data from all denegatórios judgments of habeas corpus order judged within one year by the criminal chamber of the Court of Alagoas, were present when the foundation the need for prison maintenance ante the presence of authorizers requirements to decree; the data revealed that the "dangerousness of the prisoner," the "possibility of repetition delitiva" and the "gravity of the crime" were the reasons that concentrated the attention of the judges. Thus, separated three typical decisions and through the content analysis method, I looked beyond the declared content, that other, unspoken, hidden, able to reveal the real reason for the high number of preventive imprisonment. In conclusion, the research has shown that pre-trial detention has fulfilled a real security measure attributable to function, considered "dangerous" if giving high importance to the elements of information collected during the investigation, since "its conduct", and revealing the "dangerousness" is none other than that assigned by the police. In this regard, police selectivity held, as shown by studies of critical criminology on the weakest and most precarious strata of society, is sealed by the court selectivity, which contributes decisively to the criminal justice system to hold its real neutralization of functions and discipline of classes lower social.