Redefining the role of urban studies Early Career Academics in the post-COVID-19 university
Grimaldo-Rodríguez, Christian
Ahmed, Nabeela
Baker, Alexander
Bhattacharya, Akash
Cawood, Sally
Cabrera, Ana
Daniel, Mallo
Grandi, Matheus
Guma, Prince
Habermehl, Victoria
Higgins, Katie
Lata, Lutfun
Liu, Minsi
Luederitz, Christopher
Macktoom, Soha
Macrorie, Rachel
Melgaço, Lorena
Morales, Inés
Noterman, Elsa
Owen, Gwilym
Oyalowo, Basirat
Purvis, Ben
Robin, Enora
Sawyer, Lindsay
Terruhn, Jessica
Unnikrishnan, Hita
Verbeek, Thomas
Villegas, Claudia
Westman, Linda
Urban ECA, Collective
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We are an international collective of Early Career Academics (ECAs) who met throughout 2020 to explore the implications of COVID-19 on precarious academics. With this intervention, our aims are to voice commonly shared experiences and concerns and to reflect on the extent to which the pandemic offers opportunities to redefine Higher Education and research institutions, in a context of ongoing precarity and funding cuts. Specifically, we explore avenues to build solidarity across institutions and geographies, to ensure that the conduct of urban research, and support offered to ECAs, allows for more inclusivity, diversity, security and equitability. *The Urban ECA Collective emerged from a workshop series described in this article which intended to foster international solidarity among self-defined early career academics working within urban research.ITESO, A.C.