On Mass-Spring System Implementation in Cluster-Based MANETs for Natural Disaster Applications
Balart-Sanchez, Francisco
Gutiérrez-Preciado, Luis F.
Cervantes-Alvarez, Francisco
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Communication after natural disasters is paramount.Disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis leavethe affected area reachable only to wireless devices. In suchconditions, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) play a criticalrole. The issue of MANETs communication backbone can beaddressed by self-organized cluster-based algorithms. The vir-tual backbone will maintain an efficient communication on theMANET, adapting to the dynamic topology changes thanks toits self-organized nature. Nevertheless, they do not take intoaccount the node’s mobility. If a node moves away from itsneighboring nodes, connectivity will be lost and thus, networksegmentation will occur. Therefore, it is fundamental to maintainthe connectivity and the communication between nodes whileexploring the area. In this paper, we propose the applicationof a mass-spring system on the Energy-Efficient Self-OrganizedAlgorithm (EESOA) for Disaster Area applications. Results willshow that our proposal performs best when deployment ofMANET’s nodes is dense while maintaining a connected network.ITESO, A.C.