La sincronización y control de señales caóticas es una activa área de investigación por sus posibles aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones y transmisión de señales [1, 2, 3, 4]. En el presente trabajo se estudia un sistema de comunicación basado
en la sincronización de dos sistemas no lineales caóticos, cada uno modelado a partir de las ecuaciones de movimiento de un péndulo forzado amortiguado y que se encuentran en el mismo punto de operación del espacio de parámetros.
Synchronization and control of chaotic signals is an active research area because of its applications
in telecommunications and secure signal transmission [1,2,3,4]. In this work a communication system
based in the synchronization of two chaotic nonlinear systems, each one being modeled by the motion
equations of a driven damped pendulum and operated in the same parameter space region is shown. Two
communication channels were used: the first one for the synchronizing signal and the second one for the
sent message. By using two channels the initial conditions sensibility problem is solved. In the receiver
system a feedback loop as a proportional controller is used in order to drive quickly the error between the
decoder and encoder states to zero. The last two facts make the system to be robust to external pertubative
signals such as noise in the communication channels.