Aprender a viver com o outro: a residência estudantil e as redes de sociabilidade no IFRO Campus Colorado do Oeste/RO (1995-2020)
This study aims to circumscribe the processes of weaving the networks of sociability established among the resident students of the Curso Técnico em Agropecuária Integrado ao Ensino Médio and the way in which these networks constituted a school culture, with agricultural characteristics, at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia (IFRO) Campus Colorado do Oeste, in the period between the years 1995 to 2020. In 1993, the Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Colorado do Oeste (EAFCO) was implemented in the homonymous municipality with the aim of training Agricultural Technicians to to bring technical knowledge to rural producers who migrated to the region during the Agriculture Cycle and practiced family farming on their properties. The school adopted the School-Farm System anchored in the Education x Work x Production triad and, in this system, the student residence was fundamental for the formation of the students and the maintenance of the school. From 2008, with the incorporation of EAFCO to the IFRO Campus Colorado do Oeste, the focus was on Teaching, Research and Extension, but the student residency regime continued to exist. The interaction between the resident students made it possible to establish what we call, after Simmel (1934), sociability networks. These networks went beyond the limits of the school and cooperated for the constitution of a school culture with rural/agricultural characteristics. The research has as theoretical support the studies about school institutions and everyday practices. It is found in the inter/transdisciplinarity between Cultural History, Sociology and History of Education. To achieve the proposed objectives, the methodology focuses on Historical Document Analysis and Comprehensive Interview. In the process of analysis, it was possible to understand how the guiding actions of the school were articulated. It was found that in the first years of operation, the rules and norms imposed on students meant that all environments were controlled and students were kept busy for as long as possible, in such a way that power relations-maintained order in the environments common to all students and, also, in those destined to the student residence. As the students were integrated into the space, they came to know the strategies instituted and began to devise tactics to circumvent the rules. In the coexistence between Bagaços, Pés Quebrados and Veteranos there was a hierarchy, however this also provided an approximation between them, from the moment the rites were performed. The daily practices, in the different times and spaces of the school, in addition to establishing bonds between the students, allowed the weaving of a sociability network that was strengthened from the bonds of friendship, the exchange of knowledge, informal conversations between the residents of the residence, all this consolidated a school culture with strong rural/agricultural traits.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior/IFRO