Transmissão: uma leitura a partir do encontro entre educação, psicanálise e filosofia
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Gessinger, Deise Claudiane Mass
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This dissertation pursued to comprehend how the brazilian researches in Education have been working with the concept of knowledge transmission, from an encountering vision, through the perspective of the connection between Education, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. It was made by understanding the present through a context of a teacher and education’s withering and a teaching transmission obliteration, from the memory, tradition and narrative decline. Considering this, it has been pursued to comprehend what were the conditions that facilitated the possibility of the existence of this concept’s naturalization as a negative one, in the field of education, as well as other possibilities of taking this concept through its capacity. In order to answer that, in a methodological move, which we assign as empirical archiving, some searches have been made in the Bank of Theses and Dissertations on the Personal Improvement of Superior Level (Banco de Teses e Dissertações da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES), focusing on the published researches on the Education area that worked with the concept of transmission. Therefore, five theses and five dissertations were analyzed through a foucaultian discourse analysis focus, in which the objective was to map the enunciative regularities and displacements that show the conditions of possibility for the discourses on transmission in the research of brazilian education. This was not aimed to search what would be hidden in those documents, but to work with the social discursive construction, revealing the relations between the knowledge and the possibility of doing and the rules that would permit such enunciative functions, which are always historical. Thus, the empirical discourse analysis revealed some important regularities, which are: the transmission in negativity, the transmission on the relation between teacher and student, the tradition transmission and the impossibility of transmission. It was concluded that, when naturalized, the concept of transmission, when taken by an empirical perspective, can be captured by a neoliberal discourse that wither the teacher, the teaching and the teaching institution. Nevertheless, and in a non-binary way, when taken in its potency, the brazilian researches bring distinct possibilities of operating with the concept of transmission, namely: problematizing the process of teaching and learning, the school and Education renovation discourses and the current possibility on the recognition of the failure impossibility and the transmission failure.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior