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Eficiência na educação: uma análise exploratória entre os municípios do Rio Grande do Sul e Sobral com a aplicação da análise envoltória de dados (DEA)
This work aims to obtain an exploratory analysis of the efficiency of municipal schools in the public network of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and to compare them as schools with better performance, with the schools of Sobral in Ceará, national reference. An analysis was carried out, seeking to identify which schools' resources are more related to student performance and which schools make better use of their resources. The research universe comprises 421 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, and the municipality of Sobral, since they were excluded who do not awaken the data in the analyzed period, which comprises the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. For the execution of the study, a systematic review of the literature was requested to analyze existing works and later, a consultation to the databases of Inep, Saeb and Finance Brazil (Finbra). The efficiency analysis was done through the application of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method in the VRS (BCC) model, oriented to output. The applied model sought to contemplate variables that evaluate parameters such as resources, investments and training of the faculty. The results show the average efficiency of the mesoregions, as well as showing that there is no direct relationship between efficiency and resources or investments. The results do not provide a scale-to-scale response, they estimate that municipalities are technically efficient, but they operate by applying excessive resources.