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dc.contributor.advisorFranzato, Carlo
dc.contributor.authorDiehl, Marcia Regina
dc.description.abstractA myriad of possibilities opens from the creation of computational artifacts based on digital sensors that are continuously collecting data from the context, connected to the internet, and acting based on the analysis of the collected data. For this, it is necessary to understand the context in which such objects will be immersed, observing issues such as the systems involved and, mainly, the networks of ecosystem relations. It so happens that the design processes in the field of computational technologies are focused on meeting the needs of the human being, considering them as the problem for which they must find a solution. I believe that design processes should have a space-time that allows them to discuss the problem from a systemic-relational view that could both lead to a reinvention of the problem and foster the development of innovative artifacts. One of the approaches to Design that comes closest to this proposal is Strategic Design, as it operates in a transdisciplinary way, having as premises the reconfiguration of the problem, co-design, social innovation, and sustainability, suggesting acting from a systemic view. In this sense, the present work aims to propose a Strategic Design method to be operationalized in a transdisciplinary way, from a systemic-relational view focused on computational artifacts for the Internet of Things. The research of this thesis was carried out through theoretical documentary research, research on design approaches connected with the problem and objectives, interviews about the experiences of specialists in the operationalization of transdisciplinary processes and a design practice - the Inventando_Coisas workshop - operationalized through the method that is proposed. This method – the d.e.coisas – has the characteristics of being open, sensitive to the design moment, inventive and permeated by knowledge of the humanities, technologies, and design. Its operationalization took place through the methodological movements r_Prepara, r_Aproxima and, r_Projeta, which are situated, respectively, in three dimensions: the preparation of the method's operationalization; encouraging the strengthening of intra-project relationships; and the design process itself. Inventando_Coisas occurred mostly through digital platforms with participants from the fields indicated in the method, with their movements taking place according to what emerged during the design actions. Transdisciplinarity was enhanced by the r_Aproxima movement that stimulated dialogue by establishing an operative metalanguage. The elaboration of the computational artifact in the r_Projeta movement took place from the multiple connections that were established between the knowledge contributed to the process. The r_Prepara movement made it possible to prepare the meetings according to the characteristics of d.e.coisas and what emerged from the participants in relation to the conduct of the process. The canvas that conceptualizes the computational artifact called Guaiaca_IoT clearly reveal the presence of the theoretical field, similar methods, and the tacit knowledge of specialists. In the end, it was possible to perceive that the gap, the problem, and the objectives were adequately addressed since the resulting artifact, as well as the operative metalanguage, reveal in themselves the evidence of what was proposed and founded.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDesign estratégicopt_BR
dc.subjectStrategic designen
dc.titled.e.coisas: um método de Design Estratégico para a Internet das Coisaspt_BR

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