The present research paper presents the process of coconstruction of
knowledge which occurred in English classes as an additional language. Aiming to
describe how knowledge is coconstructed in English classes, naturalistic data (data
that would occur without the presence of the researcher) was used having its verbal
features transcribed based on the conventions of Jefferson (1984), which have been
adapted by Schnack, Pisoni, and Ostermann (2005). The data comprises classroom
interactions recorded in audio and video in an English Institute located in the South
region of Brazil and three groups took part in the research – a low intermediate class,
an advanced class, and a conversation advanced class. The data was analyzed based
on how the participants of the interaction maintain the intersubjectivity of the interaction
through socially shared cognition (GARFINKEL, 1967; SCHEGLOFF, 1991), how
participation occurs in sequences where coconstruction of knowledge is evidenced
(GARCEZ, 2007; FRANK, GARCEZ, KANITZ, 2012), and the nature of the knowledge
produced - reproductive or emergent knowledge. (CONCEIÇÃO 2008; GARCEZ,
2006; FRANK, GARCEZ, KANITZ, 2012). IRE sequences were also explored in order
to establish a parameter of comparison with the interactional phenomena occurred in
the moments where coconstruction of knowledge was present. (GARCEZ, 2006;
MEHAN, 1979). Through the data analyzed, three main practices to achieve
coconstruction of knowledge have been evidenced: firstly, the search for a shared
cognition of a specific referent; secondly, the use of examples to construct a definition;
and thirdly, the production of guessing based on assumptions.