The present research is the result of four years working as a scientific initiation
fellow at SemanTec – semantics and technology – research group. Therefore, the
aim of this study is to analyze and reflect upon the English equivalences proposed for
the lexical units (LUs) of the forty modalities of Dicionário Olímpico (DO), one of the
online lexical products produced by the SemanTec group. The secondary goals of
this study are to promote a reflection upon the problematics surrounding equivalence
as a translation phenomenon, appropriating (ourselves) of concepts from the scope
of Translation Theories and also Bilingual Lexicography, and verify how the concept
of equivalence applies to the lexicographic practice. DO, published in 2016, is a
lexicographic resource and takes place as an online dictionary of the Olympic sports
based on the frame notion, on Charles Fillmore’s (1982, 1985) terms. According to
the theory of Frame Semantics, a frame is a mental scenario activated by determined
words and the context in which they occur. Thus, the organization of Dicionário
Olímpico’s information is given corresponding to the frames. The justification of this
work is the comprehension of the main criteria existing for a word to be considered
an English equivalent, once this topic may be relevant to the future lexicographic
work with an interface with Frame Semantics. The main methodological resource
used on this work is the detailed analyses of the terms presented as equivalents by
the Dicionário Olímpico, classifying them as ‘cognitive equivalents’ or ‘translational
equivalents’, and additionally, the search for referential and lexical gaps and the
analyses of the translation notes suggested by DO. For the analyses, this research
uses the theoretical frameworks previously mentioned and points a few challenging
cases of translation and equivalence choices. The present study indicates that there
is a possibility of mapping the characteristics surrounding the lack of equivalence and
other problematics involving the equivalences proposed by Dicionário Olímpico for
the Olympic modalities, and also suggests stra