Frei Aristides Arioli: uma vida de missão na estação missionária de Montes Altos, de 1962 a 1995
Sousa, Kleber Alberto Lopes de
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The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the religious and political performance of Friar Aristides Maria de Melegnano OFMCap (Friar Aristides Arioli de Melegnano) contributed to the economic and social development of the municipality of Montes Altos, in the period from 1962 to 1995. So, we consider it is history of the present time as it addresses the discussion of events not so far away. In order to obtain additional information and dispersed or forgotten moments we turned to people who, at certain times in their lives, related or enjoyed living with Friar Aristides, which was ordained a priest in 1950 in Milan, Italy. In 1951 he was sent to Brazil. Eleven years later he arrived at Santa Ana Parish of Montes Altos (1962), where he lived until he died in 1995. He first was a cooperating vicar, with the mission of acting in catechesis for indigenous peoples. Then, he became vicar of Santa Ana Parish of Montes Altos until 1993. Friar Aristides became a mediator of conflicts between constituted civil authorities, squatters and the Krikati people. He united and reinstalled the Krikati people in the current Aldeia São José. In this place he installed the first chapel-school-catechetical and the first primary school for indigenous children. It was the embryo that supported the fight for rights to specific and differentiated public education, for health and the demarcation of the Krikati Indigenous Territory, Friar Aristides integrated these fights and fought in practice against the stereotyping of the indigenous, guiding parish officials and volunteers to welcome the indigenous people with dignity. Friar Aristides respected the cultural traditions and autonomy of the Krikati people in their decisions. He opposed the political oligarchic elite practices. Consequently, in 1988, the elected mayor was one against this political oligarchic elite group. The release was the strategy in the hinterland of Montes Altos. It also was an opportunity to solve problems such as lack of education, health, infrastructure, roads, communication and others. He was born in an economically structured family and this helped him greatly, not only with financial resources to support him, but also with a network of relations with personalities from the world of culture, religion and finance. Friar Aristides produced a wide legacy of memories in the novenaries, prayers of rosaries, devotion to the patron saint, attendance at the sacraments and obedience to the commandments of the Church. Friar Aristides built the Mother Church of Montes Altos, the parish house, the convent, the social parish club, the hospital and the Tower of Montes Altos. By his actions, he offered paid work and voluntary occupation. Created the Secular Institutes of Voluntary Missionaries. Act that flourished in the blossoming of readers and singers. Friar Aristides established catechetical schools, daycare for children, primary school and high school; instituted religious associations such as Legion of Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus, and others. Friar Aristides provided medical and social assistance, school and leisure to the montesaltense, regardless of social level. The population assisted by Friar Aristides maintained an attitude of respect for the missionary. Friar Aristides witnessed the growth of the villages of Sumaúma and Lajeado II. Both were dismembered to constitute the municipalities of Ribamar Fiquene and Lajeado Novo, respectively. Friar Aristides acted as an ordinary man, inserting himself into the realities of his assisted communities, driving a transformative action in the daily lives of those poor people in need of everything. On the other hand, he was also forced to reinvent himself, adapt and learn from the populations from each place the rules of life to survive in those environments. Friar Aristides, through his religious and political performance, contributed significantly to the citizens through social actions and construction works in other to the effectuation the right for health, education and leisure. Specifically related to the Krikati people, the access guarantee to health, school education and land, which is predominant for the development of ethnic and cultural diversity.Nenhuma