Formação continuada de professores alfabetizadores: um processo de coconstrução entre universidade e escola
Much is said about the quality of Brazilian children's reading and writing. It is said that children are not being taught literacy at the expected age, under the allegation that they do not understand what they read. This research is based on the assumption that, for students to develop their reading and writing skills, it is important that the content worked in class is connected to their social practices. Moreover, the training of literacy teachers should be a co-constructed work, between university and school. Considering the above, the general objective of this thesis is to know and reflect about perceptions and conceptions of teachers regarding the appropriation of reading and writing by 1st grade students in a public network, through a training action co-constructed between university and school network. The thesis is organized around themes such as the appropriation of written language and its teaching, valuing social practices and the co-construction of the formation of literacy teachers. The perspectives of Vygotsky (1896-1934; 1998), Rego (2013), among others, are considered when discussing the appropriation of language by children. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999), Street (1984; 2017), Soares (2003; 2018; 2021), and Cosson (2016) are the main authors to ground the reflections on meaningful reading and writing, with emphasis on literacy. Imbernón (2015), Tardif (2017), André (2013) and other authors are the reference for the discussion on teacher training. The data generated refer to three continuing education modules, carried out with 29 teachers, from May to October 2020, in remote and asynchronous format. It is noteworthy that the teachers and the researcher participated in the decision about the themes of the actions. The analysis considered texts written by the participating teachers, based on their definitions of literacy, opinions on excerpts of study material from other teachers on the same topic, and proposals of activities sent by teachers on literacy and literary literacy. It is observed that most teachers understand literacy according to the theoretical approach in focus. Moreover, in their activity proposals, teachers shared content associated with the students' context. In general, the suggested activities make connections with the students' reality and needs, since the issues dealt with are relevant to the students' social construction and citizenship. Considering the social changes that also determine the students' experiences and the school reality, it is necessary to broaden and deepen the scope of the proposals, so that students gradually evolve in their reading and writing skills, becoming even more protagonists of their learning.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior