The footwear industry has undergone significant changes in its pattern of competition in the world market. As a result, markets like Mexico become increasingly attractive to brazilian companies. Because it is a producer country and with great barriers to the importation of footwear, companies that seek to enter their products in the mexican market must seek knowledge and carefully analyze the strategies of segmentation and distribution that will be adopted. Corporate governance and network governance can be related to this process of strategy among members of the distribution chain used to reach Mexico, especially in decision-making. Using a qualitative exploratory research, the present work presents a case study of a brazilian shoe brand that operates in Mexico, regarding the role of corporate and network governance in its strategies of segmentation and distribution. Through interviews with a semi-structured script with the three levels of the distribution channel, index search, written reports, texts, documents about the Mexican footwear market and participant observation of the researcher, it was possible to collect information that was later analyzed based on the theoretical reference presented. The work evaluates the interfaces of corporate and network governance in the strategies of the brand in question, from the perspective of those involved in the process.