Fatores que motivam docentes do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul Campus Restinga
The empirical field researched took place in a Federal Institution of Public Education, characterized by a unique identity of multicampi structure, which offers education at all levels, situated in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, installed in the extreme south of the southern area of the city of Porto Alegre, in the Restinga neighborhood, belonging to the Rectory in the city of Bento Gonçalves, composed of 17 campuses. The present research had as a general objective to analyze the factors that motivate teachers in their daily lives at the IFRS-Campus Restinga and the impacts that a motivated teacher can generate in the educational environment. However, to make possible the general objective, it was sought to answer the following specific objectives: to map the processes of the pedagogical management regarding the teaching staff of the IFRS-Campus Restinga; to understand what motivates the teachers of the IFRS-Campus Restinga regarding the work developed; to know how the pedagogical management, perceives what motivates the teachers in the IFRS-Campus Restinga; to offer subsidies to the IFRS-Campus Restinga, in order to contribute with the processes of the pedagogical management regarding what motivates their teachers. Regarding the method, it was opted for a descriptive exploratory study, of qualitative approach, with quanti-quali data collection. It was used, as techniques for data collection, the documental research, analyzing the Management Report and the Institutional Development Plan of IFRS; semi-structured interviews applied to 2 Managers; Questionnaire for obtaining information applied to 22 teachers of the Restinga Campus. The results found by the teachers include: love for teaching, good relationship with the academic community, salary and career plan, quality of life at work, promoting continued education for teachers and their working conditions, verticalization of teaching, and democratization of the processes. Based on the results found, it was verified that, even though the teachers perceive themselves as motivated, they ignore or do not give due value to the impact that continuing education can have on motivation, in order to make them the protagonists of their development. This is also confirmed in the perception of the managers who relate teacher motivation to extrinsic factors such as: salary and career plan, verticalization of teaching, guaranteed planning time, working conditions, physical structure of the campus, democratic management, good example of management, empathy, doing with quality in order to always make a difference. In addition, both managers affirm that they did not have the issue of teacher motivation as relevant in their teaching practices, which reiterates the absence of relating motivation to continuing education, which is strongly foreseen in the institutional documents and concerns the intrinsic factors of motivation. Finally, continued training was suggested in order to make teachers aware of the importance of continuing to develop in this educational space, so that they feel more valued and not only as products that generate results in the area of education; dialogue meetings between academic management and teachers; application of dynamics that can generate even more union and empathy between management and teachers of the Restinga Campus.Nenhuma