Professores iniciantes de língua portuguesa nos anos finais do ensino fundamental: docências da (in)completude
This essay presentes an analysis about the Teaching of Beginner Teachers of the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final years. The research intended to discuss about the development of the teachings of beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language, from pedagogical practices in schools, Portuguese Language specifics in the final Years of Elementary School and the challenges at this Education stage. The research made use of studies about Teacher Training and Contemporary Teaching, especially the ones referred to the teachings of beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final years. The research group of studies Gipedi /CNPq; Fabris (2015), Bahia (2020) and authors such as Tardif (2002), Gatti (2009), Biesta (2020), Huberman (1993), Garcia (2010), Veiga-Neto (2020), among others. In this regard, the aim was to understand about the the teachings of beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language through pedagogical practices in schools, specifics and challenges. The methodology was developed with the use of online questionnaires (Google Forms) sent to beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final years of the Municipal Public Teaching Network in São Leopoldo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Subsequently, groups with beginners who acted as Portuguese teachers in the final years of Elementary School were formed. After that, due to the not enough data obtained in the last stage and the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemy throughout the world, another group was formed with other beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language, this time by virtual means. After the scrutiny and the material organization, the following groups were elaborated: 1. The teachings of beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final Years: 1a) planned teaching: To whom? When? 1b) Teaching considering the interest and reality of the students. 2) Challenges and specifics in the teachings of a beginner teacher in the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final Years. 2a) The Graduation Course of Degree in Languages and the responsibility about the inaptitude in the class room. 2b) The Elementary School’s final years students and the challenges to be faced by them: lack of interest, attention, indiscipline. 2c) The specifics of being a Portuguese Language teacher in the Elementary School’s final years: Teaching of the Portuguese Language. The analysis enabled the identification of practices and a deeper understanding about the teachings at this stage in Elementary School that enabled the realization about the incompleteness of it, how fragmented and insuficient for the students it really is, and the teacher’s lack of know how, experience and learning in the process. Even though they are pedagogically responsible, the teachers feel lost in the process. The incompleteness takes to fragmentation, for the teachers work the curricular componentes differently from how it is done in Elementary School’s initial years. Possibilities such as the pedagogical contract that must be part of the planning, concepts as the co-formation, non separation between theory and practice in the area of Teaching Ethics, engaged Teaching, all coming from the research group of GIPEDI/ CNPq, besides a greater approximation between members from universities and schools and the continuing studies about the formation of Teaching can configure significant and important strategies to the improvement and qualification in the teachings of beginner teachers in the Portuguese Language in Elementary School’s final years.Nenhuma