Gestão educacional e profissionalidade
The research “Educational Management and Professionalism” aimed to bring reflections, analysis and perspectives concerning the professionalism of the educational manager at primary and elementary education in a school network, also having the objective of perceiving the role of this aspect in the teaching-learning process. The result was achieved through a qualitative approach, involving 14 managers and teachers from 14 educational units of SAGRADO – Rede de Educação, Paraná Province. By this research, we aimed to analyse the interaction of some variables, entitled “key elements”: a) teaching-learning; b) democratic principles; c) continued education; which were assumed as vital for the fulfilment of the school’s purpose. Thus, these “key-elements” are elaborated in seven chapters, in which their specificities are presented, as well as the research problem, the objectives, the contextualization, the methodological path from a qualitative approach view, the research scenario, the state of knowledge, the theoretical background, the educational management at SAGRADO – Rede de Educação, the professional education, the interpretative analysis of the data collected and an intervening suggestion: a portfolio design. As a conclusion, we highlight the importance of an active educational management, engaged in creating and updating the educational processes, having in mind the sociocultural changes in society. This insight was possible from the acknowledgement that there are practices in which the managers remain settled when facing some changes, relying on repetitive practices that, often times, lack in professionalism or even deprive from empirical dimension. Due to it, the need of a debate and a continued education promotion are enhanced in this paper.Nenhuma