Atividade física e consumo de substâncias psicoativas entre escolares
Adolescence is the stage of the life cycle where the transition from childhood (characterized, among other things, by dependence) to adulthood (in which autonomy predominates) occurs (VIEIRA et al., 2008; ZEITOUNE et al., 2012 ). It is a phase of intense and constant changes in biopsychosocial aspects. The transition from a dependent or more protected position to an autonomous condition generates a phase of experimentation and a lot of curiosity. Decision-making and behavior management gradually shift from caregivers to the individual. This can lead to stress and wear. Mismatches in the development of different aspects that accompany the individual can generate discomfort and suffering (VIEIRA et al., 2008). In this process, countless moments of exposure to situations with different degrees of risk arise (SCHENKER and MINAYO, 2005; ARALDI et al., 2012; COSTA et al., 2012; ZEITOUNE et al., 2012). The use of psychoactive substances is one of these possible experiences (GALDURÓZ et al., 2005; ZEITOUNE et al., 2012). The risks are numerous. The consumption of alcoholic beverages or other drugs by an adolescent can harm the user's physical and mental health, their development, family relationships, relationships with their social networks, their school progress, and consequently their quality of life ( TAVARES, BÉRIA and LIMA, 2004; BARRETO et al., 2010; ARALDI et al., 2012; MALBERGIER, CARDOSO and AMARAL, 2012). Apparently young people do not ignore the potential harm. In Brazilian state capitals, 90.2% of students consider themselves well informed about psychoactive substances and their potential harm (MATOS et al., 2010).Nenhuma