Protocolo clínico-assistencial para uso de cobertura primária de plasma rico em plaquetas em úlceras crônicas diabéticas de membros inferiores
Mello, Alexandre Formighieri de
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AIM: The treatment of chronic wounds is historically quite complex, especially ulcers of lower limbs seen in diabetic patients – wounds which not always develop the healing process and often perpetuate it for months and may affect individuals for years. The application of growth factors in the granulation phase on these wounds has been an alternative to provide stimulus to effective cure as well the activation of this process. The aim was develop a clinical protocol for primary coverage of platelet rich plasma in diabetic chronic lower limb ulcers, through an exploratory study. The elements for the construction were operationalized in four steps: observation of the patient to construct research questions, search for evidence, literature review and construction of the protocol. The bibliographic search in the databases resulted in 1784 articles. Form all these, 47 by LILACS, 89 by COCHRANE and 235 by PUBMED. After reading the title and abstracts and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, we produced 18 articles. The construction of this clinical protocol involved analysis of patient care with chronic wounds on lower limbs, in order to select best practices and scientific evidence from literature and nurses’ professional experience who contributed to this work.Nenhuma