Produção textual em sala de aula: uma experiência com o gênero podcast em turma de 7º ano do ensino fundamental
The teaching of the native language for a long time was linked to the concepts of teaching grammar and/or textual typologies. With the advent of the National Curriculum Parameters for the Portuguese Language - PCN - (BRASIL, 1998) and the Common National Curriculum Base - BNCC - (BRASIL, 2018), teaching was directed towards the study of discursive/textual genres and literacy practices. BNCC has also directed its attention to the approach of digital technologies and online communication in Portuguese language classes. In this context of changes, we intend to answer the following research problem: How the podcast genre, worked from a teaching project, can allow the linguistic development of students in textual production classes? We analyze how the textual production teaching activities of the podcast genre can contribute to the oral and written linguistic development of a 7th grade elementary school class in a private school in Teresina, considering the following specific objectives: to verify the development of initial and final textual productions of students, considering compositional content, subject content and style; analyze, from the textual productions, how students conceive and understand the podcast genre; verify the possible effects of the educational and pedagogical resources used throughout the work developed in the workshops in relation to the teaching of this genre. The research was developed in the light of the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999), conceiving language as a form of social interaction, based on authors such as Bakhtin (2011), Bronckart (2012), Guimarães and Kersch (2012) , Kleiman (2010) and Marcuschi (2008). This exploratory and qualitative work used inductive methods in the generation and analysis of data, through a research-action (TRIPP, 2005). The results achieved allow us to consider that the mastery of the podcast genre by the students was successful, with the workshops having contributed to the public oral linguistic development of mastery of reading and writing. In addition, the comparison between the analysis of the textual production of the podcast and the interviews answered by the students after the accomplishment of the project revealed the appropriation of knowledge expected for a 7th grade class regarding work with textual production in the classroom. Therefore, this research contributes to the field of studies by reiterating the relevance of working with genres in the classroom and the possibility of implementing the BNCC guidelines in Portuguese language teaching at school.Nenhuma