A qualidade das informações na jornada do cliente e sua influência sobre a lealdade no relacionamento entre médico e paciente
This dissertation is a part of the COMPETITIVENESS AND INTERORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS research line of the Master’s Program in Administration at UNISINOS. The research aims to assess the quality of information provided at each stage of medical care, considering the vision of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and PRM (Patient Relationship Management) in the health area, to monitor the patient's journey. The research is quantitative and cross-sectional explanatory, through the application of survey research with 195 patients. A structured questionnaire was chosen as a data collection instrument and respondents had attended at least one medical appointment in the last twelve months prior to the study. The results confirmed the hypotheses that the quality of information perceived by the patient in the care and post-medical care phase positively impacts the patient's loyalty to the doctor. In conclusion, the availability of data sources from different technologies in CRM is essential in building long-term relationships between doctor and patient, prioritizing them as a customer and human being and highlighting the primary importance of the quality of information provided and accessed by the along your journey.Nenhuma