Enfrentamento da doença entre pessoas adultas que vivem com a fibrose cística
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Schenkel, Juliana Laux Soares
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The objective of this dissertation, composed of two articles, was to understand the coping goals of adults who live with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) from the diagnosis to the present moment. The Article I used a constructivist grounded theory approach to analyze the coping among seven women and three men aged between 18 and 48 years living with FC in deep interviewed. The analyzes resulted a central theory entitled “Constant Emotional Work”, which explained the strategies to deal with the adaptations and limitations imposed by the disease from three categories: Growing up and recognizing the disease; Social and family relationships: shared support; and Active engagement. We evidenced a chronic coping process that took place throughout the developmental cycles and required constant emotional adjustment in the face of the challenges of the disease. Article II analyzed two cases of women living with CF who were mothers to understand their experience of motherhood, focusing on the process of becoming a mother and coping strategies during pregnancy, the childbirth and until the present moment. The participants showed resilience in the face of the repercussions of motherhood in the context of CF, and the bonding between mother and child was important for coping with the disease.Nenhuma